The Civil War Round Table of the District of Columbia publishes The Courier, a newsletter that is available electronically to current members only.  Please contact if you are not receiving the newsletter.  Visit to renew your membership or to become a member. All are welcome!

Please contact Susan K. Claffey, Editor, if you would like to include an article or other information in the newsletter or would like to assist with the newsletter.  Ms. Claffey can be reached at   


The Round Table elected to discontinue its publicly available newsletter beginning in the Fall of 2015.  It posts information about upcoming meetings and other events on this website and on its Facebook site.  Beginning in 2019, the Round Table began publication of its newsletter for members only. 

Please enjoy copies of earlier newsletters dating back to the inception of the Round Table in 1951 by clicking on any of the years listed below. 

2019-present - Members Only
1961-1962 Yearbook
(Note: Through 1960, the volume numbers associated with the newsletters were based primarily on the calendar year.  Beginning in  the Fall of 1961, the volume numbers were based on the Round Table's "program year," typically running from September through May).
1959-1960 Yearbook
1957-1958 Yearbook
1956-1957 Yearbook
1955-1956 Yearbook

The Round Table and its members deeply appreciate all the long days and late nights that many editors over the years labored diligently to draft, edit, publish and distribute our newsletters.  Our editors and their terms of service (some for over 10 years!) are listed below: 

Susan K. Claffey         (2019-)
N/A - No Newsletter   (2015-2018)
Jeff Mendonca            (2013-2015)
Kenneth R. Rice         (2001-2013)
Dean R. Warner          (1987-2001)
B. Franklin Cooling    (1985-1987)
William P. Jones, Jr.  (1970-1985)
Walton Onslow           (1961-1970)
Lynn D. Carrier           (1960-1961)
Rex B. Magee              (1959-1960)
Carl A. Baehr              (1958-1959)
Rex B. Magee              (1956-1958)
Gene Gempel              (1954-1956)
Bruce Catton              (1953-1954)
Bert Sheldon               (1951-1953)

The preservation of these newsletters by digitizing and posting them here is but one small token of our gratitude for a job well done, indeed very well done!  Thanks to Kurt DeSoto, Kim Holien, and William Worsley for sharing their archived documents to make these materials available.